10 de mayo de 2010

Way to the happiness

The dazzling Sun,
awakes me through the curtains.


I don't want to wake up,
but the nature leaves me with no option.

I incorporate on the bed,
and the mobile rings,
a message,
a friend,
if I want to meet up.

I don't ever answer her,
after what happened,
I don't want to see anybody,
but my own loneliness.

my family is awake.

I don't want their company either,
so I take the first clothes I find,
and go,
ipod in the hand,
without destiny.

I leave through the door,
they call me,
I ignore it,
and continue my way.

The shadows of the trees,
seem huge to me today,
on my way to the station,
I only find sad withered leaves,
cracking under my feet.

Eternal wait for the tube,
despair for upping the wagon,
one, two, three and four stops,
and I go down.

I know the place,
but I walk aimlessly,

There are no trees around,
just my shadow with me.

The market,
I get between the people,
disgusted by their presence,
pushing and upping,
wishing to get out of there.

A voice,
shouts my name,
that friend,
I ignore her,
I continue upping,
I continue walking,
I continue running,
to some place,
where my disgust stops.

Hours gone,
the Sun amounts its travel in the sky,
and I do not find a goal.

My legs feel the fatigue,
a bridge,
noone in the surroundings.

I feel a need,
I up the railing,
extending the arms,
and let the wind,
pat every corner of my body,
on my way to the happiness.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Very nice. So happy.

cellar door :)